very simple and unconsiderated, very vile and never understated the stupendous thing that is a human female boob, and there's two! Ain't that just awesome!
I love boobs, and to you, all those lovely pairs out there, i send my warm salute and accompanied tender grope.
Yumma, yumma, i'm a lovin those tities!
And now you may ask, did I stoop down to a certain level? Am I now a creature of the peasent underground oggling agenda?
AM i A fReak?!?!?!
Oh well, can´t a man just be tenderized by a soft bosom, a subtle glimpse of that breast, nipple or without, it makes any straight man devour himself into finding how the hell they'll get their hands on those particular ones.
(To the newcomers of this blog, please don't be shocked and demoralized out of reading, please do. You shall certainly find something to your good taste. Maybe not, try.)