Saturday, October 31, 2009
Vegetable's are a makin me hart stranggerr!
I even killed a fly the other day.
Friday, October 30, 2009
And we return now to the very emo.
Does he floss? He did, a bogey got stuck under his gums.
Does he nose pick? Direct yourself to the previous comment.
Will he ammount to anything? not likely. Does he care? Who knows.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Little special thing i though i'd throw in there.
My dog's a tranny, he works tuesday's at 11 by the pier, he's confused.
If you lick your asshole it gets you high, i personally haven't tried but my bitch says it's radical. Thing is with a human, you'll get high cause you lose sense of space by achieving such a spot on your body, and this also means you made a stop at self-fellatio. Hope your glad.
Gran's the word
Obama, Nobel prize. Me as welll, i haven't killed anyone, im not a politician and i helped an old lady get laid the other day (wasn't me, I swear, i mean come on. You think im that desperate. Forget it! I'm out).
Yeah, I did fuck an old lady...
And yes, she was someones grandma, you'll just never know who's, and you'll keep wondering I assure you, she was a gmilf.
Boosting up your confidence.
What's the meaning of life? You're an asshole who beats on his wife and will someday see your children achieve everything you never did, you permanently fluff up your boss and your breath stinks. Oh, and you also have small tits, or penises, yeah, you know you have two. Not enlightened, ask obama, he'll know. If he does'nt he'll make you believe you're pleased anyway.
What I write here sucks, I just thought maybe you'd take a lesson from this.
Can i recite to you a memory of old, something that really moves me everytime i tell it. People just seem to stand up and walk away so I eventually have to move from that spot as well.
Can't go into prices, it's rude...
Bajujuss farabalhajuss, it shall replace esperanto!
I bought a life on ebay, wasn't too pricy...
Yeah, i'm reckless with money.
I mean isn't it?
The United States of america a.k.a the land of the idiocy and the home of the very big.

Alluring the very tacky, but how? With pink and crass remarks, cheep linen or simply a barbecue? Better, let's just deep-fry everything!
Corn-dogs, twinkies, taco bell tacos. That and many more in a deprived country of any sense of style whilst in their kitchens, there isn't even a discussion of cuisine. I mean come on, they think the french are demi-gods!
I mean, what the fuck is up with the size of everything? Discretion people, please. Just a bit.
Yeah, I write what comes to mind you know? Like things! Awesome!
O lame of lame, sacred fountain of inverting joy, give me thy juice! I want to pump this adrenaline sucking rush thats disseminating through my veins and lift the excalibur from my aching spleen.
This'd be a nice entrance for a chick-emo-teen-flick, or ferris buellers day-off perhaps, as well.
Or maybe i just can't fucking sleep, who cares?
Again, marvelous intros, delighful really.
Can someone be funny when all they want to be is objectively entertaining, does one have to? This and many other answers to your questions online, just scroll on down for the fantastic experience of receiving a free meal voucher (at my mom's house).
Opening credits
I've been on a blog frenzy, in the past couple of weeks i've done about three, some for work purposes, the others simply for narcissistic reasons, as is the list of blogs on the right you will notice have only blogs of mine, i can't judge the others. They're in a different level, they're shit.