Monday, December 14, 2009

Contemporarey politics

I can´t manage to ease my mind with the knowledge that Romania belongs to the European Union.

I mean, come on! They're all "Lucky Strike" smugglers for fuck sake!

(Notice the equal finesse and elegance featured in both women selected to ilustrate this highly correct, politicaly, comment.)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Yerp, or maybe let´s give it the cool-factor, this ones called: Untitled

I only eat fish and tuna. You got a problem?
I like feet, you find that weird?
I lost my virginity to a poodle when I was 5, you gonna judge?
I have one friend, he´s called Mr.Penis. You gonna diss him?
I drive a Hummer, it's an omage to Mr.Penis. You think I'm lying?
My Hummer has a garage. So does Mr.Penis, it´s yo mamma! You gonna kill me?
(Please don't...)